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- Karim Berthet, The Evolution of the Fight Against Tax Havens: Europe, The United StatesLarcier Editions, Bruxelles, 2015.

- Karim Berthet, The World Trade Organizaion and the Dispute of Subsides in the Export, Connaissances et Savoirs Editions, Paris, 2016.

Our books published abroad (not exhaustive list) : Yale University, Harvard University, Columbia University, Iowa University, Michigan University, Mc Gill UniversityLaval University, Montreal UniversityOttawa University, Oxford UniversityGeneva University, Lausanne University, Maastricht University, Luxembourg University, Louvain Catholic University, Université Libre de Bruxelles, National Library to BerlinEuropean Commission, United States Congress...


-  The Tax burdens of Exit Tax by Karim Berthet, The Fiscal News - Lamy, June 1st, 2019, n° 1245.

- Recent evolutions in the profession of Lawyer, by Karim Berthet, quaterly Review of the National School of the Judiciary, ENM / Dalloz, Number 4, December 2017, #2017/4 (Tribune by Robert Badinter).


- The revival of the Principality of Monaco and of Most Serene Republic of San Marino Republic regarding fiscal transparency by Karim Berthet, The Fiscal News - Lamy, July 1st, 2017, n° 1203.

- The New Fiscal Transparency in the European Union: the ETNC in the Light of the Project BEPS by Karim Berthet, Philippe Letienne, Review of The European Union, Dalloz, September 1st, 2016, n° 601.


- The New Transparency of the Fiscal Rescripts in Europe: a Skillfull Advance of the Project BEPS in the Fight against the ETNC by Karim Berthet, Philippe Letienne, The Fiscal News - Lamy, September 1st, 2016, n° 1183.


- The Privatization of the Public Domain Through the Recognition of the Business by Karim Berthet, Philippe Letienne, LexBase - Public Edition, The Legal Letter n° 424 [Public Domain], The Point on..., July 14th, 2016. 


- The Imbroglio of the Lists of the Not Cooperative Fiscal Jurisdictions by Karim Berthet, Philippe Letienne, Les Petites Affiches, n° 137, ID ; LPA117y6, July 11th, 2016.


- Interview: The Smoke Screen of the Lists of the Not Cooperative Fiscal Jurisdictions  by Karim Berthet, Philippe Letienne, Francis Lefèbvre Editions, Navis Fiscal, Experts Opinions, May 20th, 2016.


The French-Style Exit Tax, a Fiscal Dissuasive Border by Karim Berthet, Philippe Letienne, LexBase - Fiscal Edition, The Legal Letter N° 653 [International Tax System], The Point on... May 5th, 2016.

- Tax on the Financial Transactions in the European Union: the Proposal of Directive of September 28th, 2011, European Journal of Banking and Financial Law, Euredia, December 2011/4, Bruylant Editions.

- Interview: Principes and European Perspectives of the Good Fiscal Governance by Karim Berthet, Contribution to the Fiscal Bulletin, in October 20th 2011, Francis Lefèbvre Editions.

- The Progress of the Fight against the Fraud and the Tax Evasion, European Journal Taxation / International Business Law, October 2011, N° 164, 41th year, Cahiers Tax Europeans.

- The Fiscal Forum of Brussels of March 28th and 29th, 2011. The Tax System of the Financial Sector: Real Progress or Headlong Rush of the Financial Capitalism?, Law Banking and Financial Review, N° 3, May-June 2011, Lexisnexis Jurisclasseur Editions, p. 110-112.

- Reflections on the Good Fiscal Governance, Journal of Tax Law, May-June, published in November, 2011, 85th year, Bruylant Editions.

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